Causes of losing data:

Everybody knows how important data is, be it a personal picture of the vacation you had, or client information. Data loss can be caused due to various reasons. Let us take a look at a few prominent reasons.

1] Human error:

Humans are prone to error, nobody is perfect and neither are we as humans. It is a common mistake in which a person can overwrite a particular data, delete a data file, a content that could be very important, and many more similar mistakes. This can cause a severe problem for any company.

2] Software crashes:

Viruses and malware cause this particular damage. These can enter your system through email spam, or phishing and can corrupt your data or even swat it out of the computer.

3] Hackers:

A business has thousands of competitors and some people can take a drop by using unethical methods like hacking. This is one of the common problems faced by many companies and often needs high secure security to protect against it.

4] Hardware damage:

More than 70% of data is lost from computers through hardware damage. It can be something due to mishandling or using an age-old drive. This is a prominent cause and the only cause that you can easily avoid if paid attention to.

Consequences of data loss:

Data loss can lead to dire situations and never is pleasant to hear for any organization and business. Let us take a look at the impacts of what data loss can bring with it.

1] Decrease in productivity:

Everything in a business relies heavily on data. If a single context of a file is lost due to any minutiae reason like hardware crash or virus it can take a heavy toll on the business.

Data can take days to recover if attacked severely and if the damage is nonrecoverable it can take ages just to retrieve the data. This can lead to lags in the business and no schedule could be followed on time. If this is continued for a larger time and data is not recovered the business can even lose its position.

2] Exposure of information:

Data often store highly confidential files that are present to buttress the organization. If such a file falls in the hand of ill-willed people the organization can fall prey to its competitors.

In such a case if the lost data is the information of the customer then the organization has to face heavy consequences according to state laws. This can lead to them losing thousands of dollars in mere seconds.

3] Losing Customers:

It would be impossible for customers to trust someone who cannot take care of their information. Customers are bound to lose faith in such a situation.

This can lead to huge losses to the organization to no customer loyalty. Once the loss is faced a company cannot build customers from scratch due to a highly tarnished reputation.

4] Finance:

What worse could happen than the organization not be able to pay its employees? Data loss can hinder finances. The company can lose essential data that would not leave it the space to work efficiently and move forward.

If you have lost most of the data it also becomes impossible to work with the remaining part, well that is where a company loses it all.

5] Business failure:

What worse can happen than finances? Business failure. This is an ever-ubiquitous term heard by many of us business failure. With the loss of data and with legal affirmations tailing the organization's business can fall into the trap of bankruptcy.

This is something many small and medium-size industries face in the case of data loss. Such a situation is a blockage to your dream.


The consequences each bring a huge stress ball fall right to your head. I know hearing these consequences are also a nightmare for many. And we genuinely hope you do not fall prey to data loss.

To avoid these data loss organizations also must not compromise and overlook the security measurements they need to undertake.

How to avoid data loss?

Though very common data loss can be avoided in many ways like:

1] Backup the data.

2] Use multiple backups.

3] Antivirus and malware protection.

4] Clean environment.

5] Expert IT professionals for continuous checks.


If data is lost and the organization does not have a strong comeback, then business failure is not too far. Ensure that you are aware of what can cause data loss, strategize about each situation.

No situation is small, each can lead you to hefty consequences which can be tedious to sort out. Understand how you can protect the data and make sure security is never compromised.

Data though tiny worlds hold the power to get the world down on its knees, do not compromise on it.
